Self-Anchoring Art

When the stabilizing people in ones life go MIA, how does one self-anchor?


Self-anchoring scales are ones in which each respondent provides an individual definition of the end points of a dimension and then rates himself on this self defined continuum.

“Anchors are something we encounter everyday without even knowing it. Have you ever turned on a radio, and heard an old song that brought back feelings or memories you experienced a long time ago? Have you ever felt an automatic reaction to a certain look someone gives you, or a tone of voice”

Since losing my husband, I have clung to my close friend and my mother….but, I lost my friend to cancer, and my mother is 96…..the inevitable is looming.

I have been giving a lot of thought to this self-anchoring concept, and finally landed on some thing I can hold….Art….

I can create.

I can live easily in the right brain and if my luck holds and I do not suffer a stroke or dementia…I will heavily invest in creating HookArtZ for my Self-ANCHOR.

Self-Anchoring Art


I decided to join in the fun and bought the pattern from TobeyTimeCrochet.Thank you, Tobey, for creating such a delightful project to create.

I modified Tobey’s pattern a wee bit to suit my 5″ ornament size.

This small project was a soothing balm to an aching heart, and the beginning of creating my way through the grief labyrinth.

About marycatherinelunsford

On the quest to reinventing, Morphing into HookArtZ is my newest adventure.
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4 Responses to Self-Anchoring Art

  1. MCATHERINE I love to see him and RBG together. I get the biggest kick out of your talent. You go girl.
    Hope your brother is doing ok. And your sweet Mom.
    Hugs. I trully love all of your figures. I’d love to see a group photo.
    Huge Hugs
    Mary Lou

    • Mary Lou, you are such a dear to stop by the blog and comment.
      I’ll try to remember to take a pic of TheBern and RBG together and post for you.
      To photograph the entire group would mean unpacking a bazillion gift tins where they reside to keep them from getting dusty. I’m such a ‘clean freak’! LOL

  2. Just such a sweet talent. Loved them all.

  3. Gerry Phibbs says:

    Am not really sure that archiving your “anchoring art” in various stored (hidden) gift tins is an effective sort of emotional “anchor”. Perhaps you could commission a special glass sided display case(s), that would keep the dust at bay, and still allow you (and others as may visit you) the opportunity to bear joyous witness to your talents, and enjoy the subsequent collection of crocheted figures that have occupied your thoughts and fingers. Just a new idea for this time of transition – perhaps superior to cleaning the toilets, no?

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