Ode to Art

My mother bid Art into my life as she prayed over her ‘babe in womb’—“if the child is a girl let her sing”—then sang excerpts of her favorite arias for my lullabies that wove a musical cloth into my bunting.

Art made ‘presence’ known to me when I turned three by connecting all the space that lay between my mind, body and soul.

Art never abandons; is my saving grace; my dearest and most reliable source of strength and the recipient of my most passionate devotion.

Art catapults open my heart for seeing beauty and possibility thereby facilitating the richly delicious and restorative process of creating.

Art is an ever-present spirit-companion, joining me together for enduring challenge through inspiring a healing well-spring I morph into a ‘state of being’.

To visit the ART appreciation testimony and insight of other Artists, please visit MarkedbytheMuse

About marycatherinelunsford

On the quest to reinventing, Morphing into HookArtZ is my newest adventure.
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12 Responses to Ode to Art

  1. stepheybaker says:

    WOW! This is an amazing story. That your mom prayed – “if the child is a girl let her sing” – oh how art has weaved itself into your dna. Amazing what can happen when we invite art. It also, brought our introduction as well – how sacred is that! Best to you!

  2. Brandi says:

    This last line is incredibly beautiful, and poignant:
    “Art is an ever-present spirit-companion, joining me together for enduring challenge
    through inspiring a healing well-spring morph into a ‘state of being’.”

    Lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Jill says:

    I like how you say art is your “saving grace”–I feel the same way myself. If only more people who have a really hard life had the opportunity to explore art.

  4. Dawn says:

    I see we are kindred spirits! Art is an integral part of my very being also. It manifests most often with written word, but I am also driven to create with my hands quite often. I was born into a large, prolific Irish Clan of a family who are some of the most gifted storytellers you could ever sit and listen to. That talent winnowed down into my wee hands at a very young age, and I put the words on paper, translated from their musical presence in my head. I’ve never stopped since then, and expect that I never will. When I’m happy, I write. When I’m sad, I write. Bored, curious, frustrated, yearning, searching….all these things, I write out of my Soul and get them onto paper or screen. When I create art with my hands in tangible form, it is equally transcendent for me. Well met, my fellow artist! 🙂

    ~ Dawn

  5. Cynthia says:

    Beautiful and inspirational! Thank you! Art heals. It has carried me through some of the roughest and most beautiful times in my life. Only recently, have I allowed my art and writings to shine. No longer, will my candle be hidden! Continue your inspiration and many blessings! Cynthia

    • Cynthia! I am delighted you dropped by and left a note. What’s more, I am so glad you have decided to allow your art and writings to “shine.” It has often crossed by mind that anything less is ingratitude for God’s generous gift to us.

  6. Gaye Brownie says:

    What a lovely story. I enjoyed reading it very much.
    I can’t sing or draw, but I am very crafty.

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